Reading From the Rule

The first link at the right will take you to today's reading from the Rule of St. Benedict!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Broken Rules

We have been reading about punishments for those monks who have broken the rule.  There are a couple of things that I take with me from these chapters. 
·      To break the rule is to lose your way
·      To follow Christ is the rule.  We tend to break the rule when we listen to our own voice rather than the call of God.
·      Human beings are generally communal.  The monastery is a community that requires obedience and corrects the behavior of those who do not follow the rules.  Choose a community that supports and encourages following the rule.  Choose a community that does not lead you into the temptation to put our own selfish desires first.  Be open to the community’s guidance.
·      We can begin again.  However, when we begin again we start from the beginning.  A couple of years ago I had foot surgery and did not walk for four weeks, and then I walked on crutches, followed by the use of a cane.  When I began to exercise again to build my strength, I had to begin all over again.  I couldn’t start with a 5 mile run, but I built up my strength, endurance and distance over a couple of years.  After I got out of the hospital in September, I could barely walk down the block.  Again, I had to begin at the beginning.  I have been walking almost every day since.  Now I can walk two miles.  I walk slowly, and I still have a long way to go before I can run.  Beginning again takes patience; there doesn’t seem to be any short cut.  So it is when we build the strength and endurance of our spirit.
·      Some pathways work for us and bring us to Christ; some do not.  When a rule of life doesn’t bring us to Christ, we need a new rule; we need to find a new way.  This should be celebrated; this should not be seen as a failure.

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