Reading From the Rule

The first link at the right will take you to today's reading from the Rule of St. Benedict!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

On the ladder of humility

Over the past week or so, we have been reading about Benedict's ladder of humility. These pages have been defining humility, looking at the means toward humility, and often asking where in our lives we should seek to be more humble.  This past week as the Wednesday group gathered in prayer, we asked ourselves where in our lives we puff ourselves up.  We found that there is arrogance in our impatience, in our anger at the foibles of others, in our silent berating of the behaviors of those around us.  We task ourselves this week to take note -- just to notice -- those moments in our lives when we fail to be humble, to notice when we puff our own egos, to pay attention to moments in our lives when it has become all about me.